housing.emp@gmail.com    |    0866-2452129
  • Andhra Pradesh State Government Employees
    Mutually Aided Cooperative House Building Society Ltd.

    (Regd No. AMC/KNA/DCO/2016/122), Vijayawada

The managing committee is consisting of 15 Directors. The term of each director is five years. Every year vacancies shall arise for 1/5th of the Directors (i.e. 3 vacancies) due to the completion of the term of respective directors and the elections will be held for arised vacancies. The election officer will be appointed by the board to conduct elections of arised director posts as well as for office bearer posts every year. The voting will be through secret ballot.

Election of Office Bearers

As per bye-law, President, Vice-President and Secretary are the office bearers. Election for office bearers shall be taken up every year duly after completion of elections for filling of director posts (as specified in bye-law No.14), all the members of the managing committee (15 Directors) are voters in office bearer elections.Any director can contest to any post of office bearer.